held @ 601 E. Main St.
- President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:03pm
- ROLL CALL – President Rodriguez
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Treasurer John Crawford, Secretary Kaitlin Hakanson; At-large members Dale Day, Terra Russo, and Minea Kiss
- Board members absent: none
- General members present: Efren Gutierrez, Jonah Hakanson
- Guests: Kendra Santiago (Blue Zones), Glenn Gailis
- Approval of agenda – unanimous approval
- Approval of Nov. 19 board meeting minutes – tabled until next meeting
- Presentation by Chad Tramp of Fire District No. 1 regarding fire and holiday safety – Mr. Tramp, who is part of the fire district’s fire prevention team, spoke about some of the most common fire hazards. Some key points were:
- Make sure you have working smoke detectors, and test them at least once a year
- The department will have a program that offers free smoke detectors and installation
- Practice leaving your home so that you are prepared if there is an emergency (this includes children)
- Space heaters shouldn’t be left on if you are not home. Older models may lack important safety features, so buy them new when possible
- Live Christmas trees need to be watered regularly
- Water and electricity are a dangerous combination!
- Most extension cords are meant to be used temporarily – surge protectors with a fuse/breaker are the safest
- If using extension cords outside, use heavy duty cords with fuses/breakers
- In 2018, there were 66 fatal incidents involving fire in the state of Oregon
- Smoke can fill a house in 1-2 minutes – you must act quickly
- Once you leave the structure, don’t go back in – “Get out, stay out!”
- 90% of pets escape fires on their own
- Most emergency calls are medical-related. Every minute counts
- Make sure your address is visible from the street – any fire station can provide high visibility address signs if you need one.
- Make sure you have working smoke detectors, and test them at least once a year
The department is making updates to their website, where anyone can find a wealth of information about common fire hazards and safety precautions. Mr. Tramp would like to offer a summer fire extinguisher class/demonstration for the neighborhood.
- Presentation regarding lending library in Mills-Kiwanis Park – Secretary Hakanson shared information about a project by the Klamath County library and OregonTech to install a free lending library/book exchange in the park. It will be filled with books for children. The library is seeking input on the shape, color scheme, and placement. They have been invited to future MNA meetings with the hope that they will take input from residents of the neighborhood.
- Formation of committees – will happen at next board meeting (Dec. 17)
- Ideas and suggestions for upcoming projects in 2020
- Blue Zones – Happy to Chat bench
- At-large member Day – Hot dogs, bouncy house, etc. in the summer
- Third Thursday, Farmers Market – set up a table to share info
- Give Back Day (May/June) – Blue Zones
- Dr. Gailis – many of the corner beds on E. Main need amendments. May want to do a bed prep day, then a planting day
- Mr. Hakanson – fix curbs throughout the neighborhood
- Treasurer Crawford – restroom in Mills-Kiwanis park
- Logo for MNA – At-large member Kiss and Mr. Gutierrez expressed interest in brainstorming logo ideas at a later meeting
- President Rodriguez informed the group that IYS is seeking a DHS-certified daycare facility for the IYS building. May have to move meeting place in the future.
- A 3D printing-type business is moving into the Basin Industrial Supply building.
- Mr. Hakanson can set up a WordPress site for free for MNA, and will put the site on shared hosting that the Hakansons already pay for. The total cost for the website to get going will be $12, which is the cost to purchase a domain for 1 year.
- Dr. Gailis remarked that he is impressed with what MNA is doing and used the phrase “do the right thing” as a core value that the organization uses to guide activities.
- Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:44 p.m.