Mills Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting – held 11/19/2019 @ 601 E. Main St.
- President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:17pm
- ROLL CALL – President Rodriguez
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary Kaitlin Hakanson, Treasurer John Crawford, At-large member Minea Kiss, At-large member Terra Russo (arrived at 6:19)
- Board members absent: At-large member Dale Day (excused)
- General members present: Efren Gutierrez
- Guests: none
- Approval of agenda – unanimous approval
- Approval of Nov. 5 general meeting minutes – Motion: VP Sullivan; 2nd: Efren G. – unanimous approval
- TREASURER’S REPORT – current balance: $1,080.18, 3 sets of dues received since last meeting. Successfully closed old checking account and opened new account. One outstanding signature from the Board for account to be activated. Treasurer Crawford will be meeting with President Rodriguez to compile existing paperwork for MNA for transactions. He also discussed his plans for organizing receipts and tracking individual transactions. General discussion about keeping costs as low as possible, and always looking for opportunities to complete projects with volunteer help. When money is involved, it should be for a specific purpose. Received 2 sets of checks – President Rodriguez will check to make sure they are for the right account.
- MNA website – Discussion of pursuing a less expensive option for creating and maintaining a web presence. Secretary Hakanson informed the group that Jonah Hakanson would be willing to donate his time to set up hosting and purchase a domain for the website. He has been tasked with creating an invoice and proposal for the website for the other members to review. All agreed that it should be a .org domain.
- Formation of committees – Isabel will reach out to Linda Anderson about involvement in the grants/fundraising committee. At-large board member Terra Russo is also interested. At the next general meeting, will discuss the formation of the Membership Committee and Budget Committee.
- Decoration of trees along East Main Street, online sign-up for help with decorating – John Bellon informed President Rodriguez that there have been no objections from the city about hanging decorations on trees on East Main, but there are a few conditions: décor must be lightweight; non-fragile ornaments; hang on branches toward center of the tree.
- Discussion about tree decorating style – wrapping the tree trunk with ornaments on a wire? Hanging individual ornaments and ribbons? Have 78 large red bows – use staples, nails, or wire to attach to trees? Also have wide mesh for creating large bows. All agreed to meet up on Sunday, Nov. 24 at 1pm to experiment with decorations.
- Ideas for future holiday decorating – seeking donations or deeply discounted decorations after the 2019 holiday season. Creating a “sponsored tree” program where businesses contribute decorations and get a shout out for their contribution. Creating unique ornaments as a community art activity. Signature symbols of the neighborhood – horseshoe (Mills Mustangs), tulip. At-large member Russo discussed the importance of branding Mills so that things associated with the neighborhood, and our organization, are more recognizable.
- Approval of $50 renewal fee for Secretary of State filing – At-large member Russo introduced the motion, seconded by VP Sullivan – unanimous approval
- Secretary Hakanson will prepare the filing and update the principal place of business. President Rodriguez will provide a check for the filing.
- Determining a principal place of business (to include a possible lease agreement for the IYS building) – Discussion about the types of things we would like to use a permanent space for. Possibility of subletting or sharing a lease agreement with other public benefit organizations such as Klamath Farmers Online Marketplace (KFOM), Blue Zones, etc. For now, IYS does not have an issue with us using the building. Isabel will touch base with other organizations to see if they are interested. For the Secretary of State filing, we will be using Isabel’s home address.
- Reimbursement of expenses of Annual Business Meeting – President Rodriguez and Secretary Hakanson both used personal funds to buy food and other items for the organization’s annual meeting. Since the new bank account was not available at the time, they kept their receipts to be reimbursed at a later date. VP Sullivan pointed out that having a budget for each event would help avoid having to do reimbursements. The group agreed that ideally all purchases will be made directly by the organization. VP Sullivan motioned to approve the 2 reimbursements, and it was seconded by Treasurer Crawford. Unanimous approval by the board.
- Approval of $50 renewal fee for Secretary of State filing – At-large member Russo introduced the motion, seconded by VP Sullivan – unanimous approval
- Create a written Proclamation for the City of Klamath Falls to recognize the official designation of the tulip as the official flower of the neighborhood. President Rodriguez spoke to Mayor Westfall and was excited to share the news. Assigned to: President Rodriguez
- Create a letter for Mexico Video to thank them for planting and maintaining multiple corners as part of the “Pick a Corner, Plant a Flower” project. Assigned to: Secretary Hakanson
- Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:30pm