- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large members Minea Kiss and Dale Day. Absent: Treasurer John Crawford (resigning); At-large Terra Russo (excused).
- General members: Efren Gutierrez, Jonah Hakanson, Brian Wiessmeyer, Stephanie Hirche
- Guests: Betty Rinehart (Mills Elementary School PTO), Ellen O’Donnell
- Consent Agenda and Minutes
- Approval of Jan. 21, 2020 board meeting minutes – Motion: Dale Day, 2nd: VP Sullivan – unanimous approval
- Approval of Feb. 4, 2020 membership meeting minutes – Motion: VP Sullivan; 2nd: Daly Day – unanimous approval
- Treasurer’s Report – Current balance of $1,055.00.
- Resignation of Treasurer – Waiting on John Crawford to submit official resignation letter.
- Appointment of Interim Treasurer – Kaitlin Hakanson appointed as interim Treasurer. Unanimous approval by board members.
Old Business
- Selection of final MNA logo – Another round of voting was conducted, with 7 votes for Minea’s logo (a large, red tulip with a black house centered inside the tulip), and 2 votes for the logo with a pastel colored tulip, a set of hands, and a small heart. Kendra from Blue Zones also submitted logo designs with a house outline and tulip. Some concerns that the house images are licensed clip art and thought there might be copyright issues. It was decided that Minea’s logo would be digitized by Jonah, with some elements of Kendra’s logos included. The results will be submitted at the next meeting.
- Fundraising/Grant Writing chairperson – President Rodriguez indicated that although Linda Anderson had expressed an interest in the position, she is not available this year to take on this role. Motion to appoint Stephanie Hirche as fundraising/grant committee chair. Introduced by Dale, 2nd by Kaitlin. Unanimous approval by board members.
New Business
- Klamath & Lake Counties Area Agency on Aging – Kathleen Rutherford will be initiating a walking campaign to reach out to members of the neighborhood that can benefit from the agency’s services. The group completes a needs assessment every 4 years, and they are interested in having us involved. Jonah, Chair of the Membership Committee, said that he will engage members to do a door knocking campaign. Will be a good opportunity to introduce MNA to these neighbors.
- Mills Elementary School PTO – Betty Rinehart, President of the Mills PTO, wants to combine forces with MNA for a fundraiser. No PTO at the school for over 30 years. Have raised $400 by selling candy grams, and have been running the Gotcha store. The Gotcha Store rewards students’ good behavior (especially being respectful, responsible, and safe) with paper tickets they use to “buy” prizes like pencils, pens, pizza with the principal, etc. Costs about $60-80 to run the Store each month. She is planning a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s for Saturday, April 11. Her husband will dress as the Easter Bunny. Need volunteers to help serve and clean-up. Waiting on details about the cost (Applebees charges $8 per head) and how much each organization can earn. President Rodriguez offered to donate an adult Easter basket and a children’s Easter basket for the event.
- Report of Membership Committee – Chair Jonah will be proposing a few bylaws changes, will make changes to the MNA website (millsaddition.org) to speed up loading time. Working on creating a canvassing plan to get the word out/market the organization and get some more members.
- Lease option of IYS building – IYS is doing an assessment/evaluation of this and another building. President Rodriguez spoke with Blue Zones representatives and they are not interested in subletting the building if we were to lease it.
Public Comment
- Give Back Day is coming up. Sarah from Klamath Works can provide volunteers. Brian talked to the Post Office about installing a mailbox in the neighborhood, would cost $1,000. The former Three Shades of Black Tattoo shop is being purchased by Dustin Kelly of Patriot Building and Construction, and Color Tile. Plans to move in early March.