2/21/2023 Board Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:10pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: none.
    • General members present: none.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • 01/17/22 board meeting – amended, unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
    • 02/07/23 general meeting – amended, unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    • $4,234.68 in accounts. Expense: $176.00 for USPS PO box (01/29/23). Earned $0.02 interest on our Business Ownership account.
  5. Old Business
    • Flower Planting in Planters – Isabel is working on a letter to go out to merchants on East Main to encourage them to use the red metal planters in front of their businesses. Taylor will reach out to see if youth can plant flowers for them.
    • City Council Position – Tonight the current City Council members will be appointing one of the 4 applicants to the vacant Ward 3 position. 3 of the 4 applicants live in Mills Addition.
  6. New Business
    • 253 E. Main St. – The building next to Terra Veg has an interested buyer.
    • Air BnBs in town – Neighborhoods in town with lots of short-term rentals have seen an increase in noise and other issues. We are not aware of many Air BnBs or similar rentals in Mills Addition.
  7. Public Comment
    • East Main Market (now called Easy Market) has been redone inside. Minea hopes that they will repair or replace the soft serve ice cream machine.
    • Child Hunger Coalition – EBT fund pool is changing. COVID-19 extensions and other changes to EBT eligibility are being rolled back. This is the last month for additional EBT funds. This affects many residents, students, and those who work in Mills Addition.
      • Patti Case of OSU extension is retiring. Nikki Sampson from Klamath Lake Food Bank is retiring. These are critical public service roles in the community that will hopefully be filled quickly.
    • April 1 – IYS is hosting an event for children and youth at Mike’s Fieldhouse. Information about the event will be posted on the MNA facebook group.
    • March 4 – Sky Lakes Hospital Resource Fair

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:45pm

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