3/7/2023 General Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Isabel called the meeting to order at 6:06pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: At-large Member Taylor Hampton (excused).
    • General members present: none.
    • Guests: none.
  3. Old Business
    • Terra Russo is the new City Council representative for the Mills Neighborhood and North Hills Neighborhood – Congrats Terra!
    • Letter to Mills merchants – Isabel provided a draft letter for businesses on East Main St encouraging them to use the red metal planters provided by the City. We will discuss the letter at the next board meeting.
    • Letter to Architect – Isabel also provided a draft letter for Adkins Consulting Engineering to see if they would be willing to donate professional services to MNA to help us with our storage facility project.
  4. New Business
    • Health Fair this weekend at Sky Lakes – Sky Lakes Hospital puts on this event annually. You can get free cholesterol, blood pressure, and other tests done. There is also information to encourage healthy living.
    • Klamath Basin Home Show next weekend – An annual event at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. Info about contractor services, interior design, new building trends and technology, real estate, etc.
    • Ideas for contacting residents for outreach – Recently several organizations have contacted MNA about ways they can help residents of Mills Neighborhood. As a group we’re not 100% sure how best to connect individuals with these organizations, but are open to suggestions.
    • Survey for Mills Neighborhood – Kaitlin created several general survey questions about Mills Neighborhood. We are curious to know what people know about Mills Addition and what people think is missing from the neighborhood as far as businesses and services go. The survey would go out on the MNA facebook group and MNA website.
  5. Public Comment
    • A new restaurant is going into the old Sunrise Tavern building (137 E. Main St, next to Gino’s Cafe)
    • Let’s bring back the Mills Messenger Newsletter! You don’t have to be on facebook to read a paper newsletter which could get more people reading the info and getting involved.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by Isabel at 6:17pm

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