2/7/2023 General Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Isabel called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: At-large Member Taylor Hampton (excused).
    • General members present: Tabita Rodriguez, Jonah Hakanson.
    • Guests: Clemencia Quimbayo, Bethany Holmes, Vanessa Brown.
  3. Guest Speaker Bethany from Safe Families for Children
    • non-profit, part of Hearts With a Mission. Religious organization that reaches out to socially-isolated families to assist with childcare / youth support. Volunteers offer relief to parents, or help with child supervision during emergencies. Try to prevent DHS-involvement. Have “adopted” Mills Addition.
  4. Old Business
    • Meet with City Schools re: graffiti – Isabel spoke with high schools over the phone. They were unaware of the graffiti problem. None of us have noticed any new graffiti recently.
    • Contact Engineering Firm – in progress.
    • Safety at Mills School Crosswalks – Long-time City Streets Department manager recently retired. New manager said they will install new signs and paint the crosswalks. They asked for 2 weeks to get the work done.
    • Meeting with City Finance – Isabel revisited the extra funds that have been generated by installing the new, more energy efficient street lights a few years ago. Current uses for these funds include tree trimming and sidewalk repair in Mills Addition. We will also ask if more lights can be installed on East Main St.
    • City Council Position – Ward 3 position is the representation for Mills Addition. Applications were accepted up until Feb. 6. Interviews will happen on Feb. 16, with the results announced at the next City Council meeting (Feb. 21).
    • KCC Cosmetology Program is accepting students – contact KCC for details.
  5. New Business
    • Encourage Businesses with planters to plant flowers – Isabel will talk to Keepers Corner and other businesses that requested that we move planters to their business. Good opportunity to also talk about the impact of adding more lighting outside your business, as well as the $500 security camera reimbursement that is offered by the city.
    • Housing for women at Red is the Road to Wellness – RRW is renovating the upper floor of their building.
  6. Public Comment
    • Grocery Outlet is now offering a senior (60+) discount on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Fred Meyer also has a senior discount and it is on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
    • 337 E. Main St. – old Pinky’s building that was recently purchased. New owner / developer says the property is a good challenge. They are looking for rental rooms for the crew working on the building.
    • 733 E. Main St. – One of the meeting guests confirmed through the City Police website that the property owner is in jail. We hope that the person who expressed an interest in purchasing the property is still interested. Also hope that those living there are able to be connected with social services.
    • Merit’s Home Center (in the Mills Neighborhood) accepts appliances with refrigerants for recycling. They charge a $75 fee. It’s not recommended that a person remove refrigerant without training or the right equipment (it is a pressurized gas), but Klamath Metals will accept appliances with the refrigerant compressor removed.
    • Enforcement of parking near stop signs. Part of the issue with poor visibility for drivers and dangerous crosswalks on East Main is the lack of enforcement for cars parked too close to intersections.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Isabel at 6:40pm

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