- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:00pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson. Absent: At-large members Minea Kiss (excused). At-large members Dale Day and Terra Russo (unexcused).
- Terra Russo submitted a letter of resignation to the officers of the board via email. Motion: to accept Terra’s letter of resignation. Unanimous approval. Motion: to remove Dale Day as an At-large Board member for missing two board meetings without notice. 2nd: VP Sullivan. Unanimous approval.
- General members: Efren Gutierrez and Tabita Rodriguez.
- Guests: none.
- Treasurer’s Report – current balance of $2,120.06. Several expenses related to the Chalk Your Walk Project. The Small Business Association did not approve our COVID loan request, but they did provide an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) advance in the amount of $1,000.
- Approval of Minutes – motion to approve the 3/03, 6/02, and 6/16 meeting minutes as written. 2nd: Secretary Hakanson. Unanimous approval.
Old Business
- Follow up with Rogue with removal of John Crawford as Treasurer from accounts – This is still in process. The account manager we were working with previously has been promoted and we are working on setting up an appointment to finish the process of removing John from the account. All of the bank documents and the debit card issued to him are in the possession of Secretary/Treasurer Hakanson.
- Purchase of a MNA banner – President Rodriguez and VP Sullivan are getting info about different banner options and prices. Information will be provided at the next meeting.
- Planting vegetables at IYS Building – With all the events and projects already going on, it was decided to not pursue this project at this time. Discussion about planning for irrigation to make sure the project is successful.
- Establishing a mail chimp account – Secretary Hakanson shared that an account has been set up on behalf of MNA, with the plan to create an email newsletter in the near future. Discussion about what types of information we would like to share in our newsletter. One example was the fact that there are no free dump days this year due to COVID restrictions. The newsletter would also be shared on the MNA website.
- Inventory and use of donated decorations – President Rodriguez and Secretary Hakanson will continue inventorying items as time permits. Discussion about using the items for “craft days” with holiday themes. Interest in using this as a recruitment tool, especially for new residents.
New Business
- Status of Board Members in good standing – At-large member Dale Day was removed from the Board due to non-attendance, and At-large member Terra Russo submitted a letter of resignation on 7/21 and it was accepted by the remaining Board members (see above).
- Flea Market Date – August 22, 2020 – Secretary Hakanson is working with Brian and Julia to confirm the date for the event, and to work on creating a flyer. Anyone interested in participating should leave their information with Secretary Hakanson.
- Membership Drive – Discussion about how to recruit more members to our organization, including board members. Multiple ideas were presented, with the theme of reaching out to businesses in our neighborhood. President Rodriguez shared the arrival of several new residents to the neighborhood, and that they may be interested in joining our organization.
- Grant – Secretary Hakanson shared information, via email, of a grant opportunity in Southern Oregon. The deadline for applying has passed, but may be available next fiscal year.
Public Comment
- August 25 is the last IYS summer lunch program day. President Rodriguez motioned to order several hundred pens that say “Mills Neighborhood Association” to give out at the event. 2nd: VP Sullivan. Unanimous approval.