- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:09pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large member Terra Russo. Absent: At-large members Minea Kiss and Dale Day (excused).
- General members: Efren Gutierrez, Tabita Rodriguez, Jonah Hakanson, and Brian Wiessmeyer.
- Guests: Maria Duran, Vanessa (owner of Mexico Video Market), John Bellon, Dr. Glenn Gailis, and Kendra Santiago.
Old Business
- Chalk Your Walk updates – Terra Russo – The spray chalk paint ordered for this project has arrived, and the 3D printed stencil created by Brian is ready to be used. Terra agreed to use the stencil first, creating an example others in MNA can follow. Pictures will be posted to the MNA facebook group as they are completed.
- Healthy Foods Grant – Kaitlin Hakanson – Secretary Hakanson provided some additional background about the large grant that was received by IYS and other community partners. She informed the group that she didn’t have all of the details on hand, and would provide additional information at a later meeting.
- Donations – inventory and storage – General discussion about how the decor items donated to MNA by Kathy Sandusky can be utilized. Clarification that MNA would like to first use the items for neighborhood residents as a welcome gift/activity. President Rodriguez and Secretary Hakanson will continue inventorying the items.
New Business
- Coupon to support local restaurants – President Rodriguez – Stephanie Shrum, a real estate associate with Coldwell Banker Holman Premier Realty is offering $10 gift certificates to local (non-national chain) restaurants. The coupons are limited to the first 100 people to contact Ms. Shrum. Her contact information is 541-363-7325 or email: sshrum@cbkfalls.com Please indicate your first and second choice of restaurants, and provide your mailing address.
- Reels on Wheels (drive-in summer movies) – Terra Russo – The Ross Ragland Theater is hosting
23 drive-in movies in July. The event is a collaboration between the Ross Ragland Theater and the Klamath County Fairgrounds. Registration for the next drive-in theater event can be found at: www.kceventcenter.org/reels-on-wheels.
- Beautification of East Main Street – John Bellon – The City has contracted with a tree trimming service to work on trees on East Main Street. The work is intended to beautify the business corridor, as well as remove branches that pose a safety hazard. There is also a new bottle fill station at Mills-Kiwanis Park, several new trees have been planted, and a piano from the Piano Project has been put in Mills-Kiwanis Park. As a general announcement, the 4th of July fireworks event hosted by the City went well, and the Ella Redkey Pool has been able to resume some programming for the summer.
- Neighborhood Flea Market – Mexico Video Market will be hosting their own small event this upcoming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 9am – 4pm. Fruit cocktails, elotes, and juices will be served. Discussion followed about having another flea market this summer. For it to be successful and worth the effort, Brian says we need 5 tables. More information will be forthcoming about a future flea market.
Public Comment
- Kendra shared Blue Zones has handmade face coverings/masks available for anyone that needs them. They can be picked up from the bin outside of the Blue Zones office, which is on the west side of the Herald & News building.
- Jonah made the request that after the roll call is conducted at the beginning of a meeting, that one of the officers give a count of how many board members and how many general members are present. This will help us to follow the bylaws, which state that meetings can only be conducted if there is a quorum of both board members and general members.
- Brian is interested in designing a stencil for the Klamath Falls City Parks.
- Discussion of a sidewalk sale that can be combined with a community flea market/yard sale. Businesses could sprawl outside to advertise while complying with physical distancing requirements.