11/05/19 General Meeting

Mills Neighborhood Association

General Meeting – held 11/05/2019 @ 601 E. Main St.

    • President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:01pm
  2. ROLL CALL – President Rodriguez
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary Kaitlin Hakanson; At-large member Dale Day
    • Board members absent: At-large members Terra Russo (excused), Minea Kiss (excused)
    • General members present: John Crawford, Jonah Hakanson, Linda Anderson, Efren Gutierrez, Tabita Rodriguez
    • Guests:John Bellon (Klamath Falls City Parks)
    1. Approval of agenda – unanimous approval
    2. Approval of Oct. 15 annual meeting minutes – unanimous approval
  4. Ratification of appointment of Treasurer by membership – John Crawford communicated to the Board his interest in being Treasurer. He accepted the appointment, and it received unanimous approval by the membership present.
  5. Open for a motion to name signers on new bank account
    1. In order to open a new bank account, Rogue Credit Union requests that the meeting minutes regarding the initiation of the new account include the names of all signatories. Two signers will be required for any financial transaction performed on behalf of the Association.
    2. Mr. Hakanson introduced a motion to nominate signatories. The general membership nominated and unanimously approved the following board officers as signatories on the Rogue CU bank account for Mills Neighborhood Association: Isabel Rodriguez, Patrick Sullivan, Kaitlin Hakanson, and John Crawford.
  6. Request for volunteers for East Main Street Christmas decorations display
    1. A surplus of Christmas decorations were donated to the Association last year. Mr. Bellon, on behalf of the Association, emailed several other city officials regarding appropriate decoration placement in the trees down East Main Street. Not all officials have responded, but Mr. Bellon gave the thumbs up to place the decorations in the trees as long as they weren’t dangling over the street or sidewalk. At-large member Day pointed out that last year, volunteers had to use long pieces of wire to make sure decorations stayed in the trees. VP Sullivan suggested that we coordinate a work party to put up the decorations. It was proposed that an inventory of decorations will happen at 5pm on Nov. 19th, as a work session before the board meeting. The consensus of the group was to put up the decorations on Saturday, Nov. 23. A volunteer sign-up sheet was passed around and retained by Secretary Hakanson. Mr. Bellon suggested contacting Klamath Works, Reach, IYS and Mentor Oregon if we need additional volunteer help.
    1. Ratification of new bylaws – Discussion centered around the boundary described in the proposed bylaws, especially concerning the inclusion of the Arthur Village townhouses. Mr. Hakanson clarified the location of the townhouses on Google Maps. President Rodriguez noted several edits to the bylaws, which were then recorded by Secretary Hakanson. There was unanimous approval by the membership and board for adopting the new bylaws as read, to include the edits.
    2. Mr. Hakanson submitted a written request to create a permanent membership committee. Discussion included the need to ensure all members of the Association are enfranchised. Ms. Anderson discussed the idea of creating block stewards to identify new residents and provide information about the Association. President Rodriguez has been reviewing county accessor maps (online) to create a list of property owners in the neighborhood. The purpose of the project is to coordinate a Welcome Wagon for new residents and to identify the owners of vacant property, among other things. Mr. Hakanson motioned to table the formation of the membership committee until the next general meeting. The motion was seconded and approved.
  8. CANCELLED – Presentation by Fire District #1 on common fire dangers in wintertime; Entertainment by Mincee
    1. Using the Association website to connect residents that need help with home maintenance with teenagers or other residents that can help for a small fee. Waivers were proposed as a solution to liability and privacy concerns. Bethany at IYS was identified as a contact that could possibly guide the development of such a job board.
    2. Once the bank account is resolved and we are able to pay for the website for the Association, VP Sullivan requested input on getting the website up and running.
    3. A mission statement for the organization, to be featured on the website, will be discussed at the next general meeting.
    4. Blue Zones would like to support the development of a newsletter along the lines of Chiloquin News. A link to the events page moderated by Chiloquin News will be featured on our website.
    5. President Rodriguez will be attending the upcoming Answer People luncheon. Answer People is a local information network that helps answer a variety of logistical questions related to living in Klamath County.
    6. Craig Schumann, facilities manager for IYS, was present at the annual meeting and let President Rodriguez know that MNA was taking good care of the building, and that we are welcome to continue using the facility. The owner of Yesterday’s Plaza has also extended an invitation for the Association to use their facilities.
    7. At-large member Day informed the group that during a recent visit to Mills-Kiwanis Park, he spoke with a group of Seniors from Oregon Tech that have secured a grant to improve a park in the area. He invited them to the next board meeting for the Association and provided them with President Rodriguez’s phone number. Mr. Bellon was excited to hear about the project, and VP Sullivan discussed the recent project to upgrade the playground at Moore Park. Mr. Bellon expressed the need for volunteers to help with installing the new equipment once everything is finalized, and that the Association may want to consider a fundraising opportunity attached to the project.
    • Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:11 p.m.