- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:11pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: Vice President Patrick Sullivan (excused)
- General members present: none
- Approval of Minutes
- 4/19/22 board meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
- 5/03/22 general meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
- Treasurer’s Report – $2,746.45 in accounts. 2 expenditures: $25 gift card for Daina for flag design contest. $50 transferred to the business savings account to see if it will earn interest. Sherry McManus made a contribution of $1,666.68 to help support other community projects in Mills. Thank you, Sherry!
- Old Business
- Update on current projects
- Painting tiles at Next of Kiln – Taylor and Minea will work on getting theirs done by the end of June. Kaitlin will also try to finish hers.
- New Flags on East Main Street – Isabel is working with an online retailer to get a cost estimate.
- Grant proposal for Street scape on East Main Street (City of Klamath Falls) – no response yet. Will check in again.
- Materials for table at Third Thursday – application has been submitted to Third Thursday people. Ideas: bumble bee yard art, seed planting, “bee in my shirt” game, “bucks” or coupons from local businesses (Mills Bucks). Painted lady bug rocks as a prize or activity of its own. Isabel created a one-page description of Mills Neighborhood Association that will be given out at the event.
- Update on current projects
- New Business
- Brainstorm on getting more Mills Businesses involved in MNA
- survey, Kaitlin will work on questions.
- Brainstorm on getting more Mills Businesses involved in MNA
- Public Comment
- Isabel has been part of a group that is organizing to get the Portland Street railroad crossing as a quiet zone.
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:42pm