Information provided by Ginnie Reed, Volunteer Coordinator for Klamath Basin Senior Citizen Center
A Village is not a place. A Village is:
- an affordable alternative to living with adult children or moving to a care facility.
- a safe way to receive the services you want or need with just one phone call.
- a way to remain connected to family, friends, and community without feeling isolated.
- part of a large, growing network of Villages across the country
Who We Are
Klamath Village is a non-profit organization that serves older adults living in Klamath County.
The Village provides, coordinates, and delivers services such as information referrals, home health care, yard work, transportation, friendly visits, assistance with household tasks, technical solutions, handyperson projects, and much more.

Interested in getting involved as a volunteer?
Contact Ginnie Reed at 541-883-7171 ext. 128 or via email at
You will be contacted by the Klamath Village and Klamath Basin Senior Citizens’ Center
Need a volunteer?
Contact Ginnie Reed at 541-883-7171 ext. 128 or via email at
Our Facebook page: Klamath Lake Villages
Our website:
Our mailing address: PO Box JE, 2045 Arthur St., Klamath Falls, OR 97601
For more information about the Village to Village Network, go to