8/20/19 Board Meeting

Mills Neighborhood Association

Board Meeting – August 20, 2019, IYS Building (601 E. Main St.)

    • President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:24pm
  2. ROLL CALL – President Rodriguez
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez
    • Board members absent: Secretary Dawn Albright, Treasurer Ben Seibel, At-large members Emily Strauss, Ruth Carter, and Dale Day
      • The at-large members have provided written resignations
    • General members present: Michelle Duran, Efren Gutierrez, Jonah Hakanson, Kaitlin Hakanson, Stephanie Hirche, Minea Kiss, Terra Russo, Patrick Sullivan
    • Guests: Frankie Benitez, Glenn Gailis
    • Approval of current agenda – presented by President Rodriguez
    • No previous meeting minutes were provided by Secretary Albright
    1. President Rodriguez discussed the organization’s bylaws, specifically those that discuss resignation of officers, emergency replacement procedures, and the annual election of officers. The organization will be moving forward by appointing two officers to the board to create a quorum. All board positions will be filled via election at the October general membership meeting.
    2. In accordance with the organization’s bylaws, Treasurer Ben Seibel and Secretary Dawn Albright were officially removed from their positions because they each missed two board meetings without proper notice.
    1. Motion: President Rodriguez appointed Patrick Sullivan as Vice President. Patrick accepted the appointment, it was seconded by general member Jonah Hakanson. Unanimous approval by the general members present.
    2. Motion: President Rodriguez appointed Kaitlin Hakanson as Secretary. Kaitlin accepted the appointment and it was seconded by general member Jonah Hakanson. Unanimous approval by the general members present.
    3. Motion: spend $178 to GoDaddy.com to initiate a website for the organization. Seconded by general member Efren Gutierrez, unanimous approval by the general members present.
    1. Elections for new officers of the board will be held on Tuesday, October 15th at 6pm at the IYS Building.
    2. The next general meeting is Tuesday, August 27th at 6pm (same location). This will be a socializing event that gives the general membership the opportunity to meet other members and prospective board officers. A flyer has been created and will be distributed (see attached)
    3. A new Facebook group has been created by President Rodriguez: Mills Addition Neighborhood Association
    1. Ideas for a new name for the organization: “It Takes a Village”, “Mills Addition Community”, “Mills Addition Neighborhood Association”, “Make Mills Great Again”, “Mills A-Team”
    2. Logo development – possibly integrate the Mills Elementary School mustang
    3. Where to share information about the organization
      • Social media will be important
      • Limited/targeted distribution of printed newsletters
    4. Fundraisers
      • Winter holiday event – research partnerships (like Snowflake Parade), decorations for E. Main St.
      • Partnerships with OHSU, Knight Institute – goal of improving health at the community level
    5. Collecting stray shopping carts – ongoing challenge in the neighborhood. Can call the store the cart belongs to. Idea of volunteers using personal vehicles, with magnetic sign for Mills Neighborhood Association, to collect the carts as a public service of the organization.
    6. Creating T-shirts for those who volunteer for the organization – partnership opportunities, donations possible
    7. Brainstorming about ongoing small projects where members partner to help each other
    8. Including real estate and rental property information on the organization’s website, specific to the Mills Addition neighborhood
    • Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:13 p.m.

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