Approved minutes
- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:12pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: none
- General members present: none
- Approval of Minutes
- 01/18/22 board meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Taylor)
- 02/01/22 general meeting – unanimous approval to accept minutes with amendments (Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Minea)
- Treasurer’s Report – $2,771.42 in accounts. Recent expenses:
- 1/19/22 – PO Box: $166.00 ($32 more than original approved amount)
- 2/06/22 – Staples: $9.90 for printing 6 glossy fliers for banner design contest
- 2/09/22 – SignUp: $62.40 for 4 tiles to paint in support of Moore Park Playground project (includes $2.40 processing fee)
- Old Business
- Update on Moore Park Playground tile painting – Kaitlin will touch base with Merritt with Healthy Klamath to arrange to pick up vouchers.
- Banner/Flag Design Contest – Kaitlin printed the fliers and is ready to put them up. Suggestions for locations are: East Main Market, Gino’s, Dickey’s, Wild Pigments, Next of Kiln, Mills Elementary, College of Cosmetology. Digital versions to local high schools and to Taylor to share widely.
- Earth Day Event – Sustainable Klamath is working on putting together an event for the community. Because weather is unpredictable in April, plan to have an indoor venue backup, such as the Mills Elementary Auditorium or the Ross Ragland
- City of Klamath Falls Grant Application – Isabel and Kaitlin will use information from our DEQ grant application from last year to request 8 waste receptacles for the East Main Streetscape project.
- New Business
- Meeting with Ron at REACH, Inc. – Isabel has set up a meeting for this Friday at 11am. Main question is whether we can film their recyclables sorting line to promote better recycling sorting before it gets to their facility.
- Public Comment
- Food pantry pickup at the Nutrition Hub is planned to start in March
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:27pm