Mills Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting – held 6/16/2020 @ 601 E. Main St.
- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:08pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large member Terra Russo. Absent: At-large members Minea Kiss and Dale Day (excused).
- General members: Efren Gutierrez, Tabita Rodriguez, Brian Wiessmeyer
- Guests: None
- Treasurer’s Report
- Account balance: $810.65. New deposits: $100 donated by Brian and Aimee from Mills Flea Market profits. $500 donation from Sherry McManus. New account balance (after deposits): $1,410.65. Thank you for your donations!
- John Crawford provided a cell phone picture of a signed resignation statement.
- Motion to officially recognize John Crawford’s resignation as Treasurer from MNA. 2nd: Kaitlin. Unanimous approval. Minutes from this meeting will be provided to Rogue Credit Union to remove him from the account. Kaitlin Hakanson is the official Treasurer for MNA until a new Treasurer is nominated and approved by the membership.
- Old Business
- Status of Web Page – the site is up and running. Kaitlin and Jonah have been adding information like meeting minutes and an event calendar. is our URL. Mailchimp extension was added to webpage so we can create email newsletters.
- Photos for Web Page – all board members are asked to send a headshot to Jonah to be added to the website. His email is
- New Business
- Flyers for Park & Play – Kaitlin will share flyers via email to board members. Copies have been posted to the MNA Facebook group. Terra will help distribute flyers to residents around Mills-Kiwanis Park about parking and traffic congestion on June 30th, the kick-off for the summer lunch program.
- Booth at Park & Play – Isabel and Terra are available on June 30th to sit at a MNA table. Would also like to distribute information to summer meal program participants – will decide later into summer what these materials will be.
- Donations – Need a storage spot for decorations and craft items being donated by Kathy Sagunsky. Brian has some limited storage space available. Kaitlin and Terra will meet with Kathy this Friday (6/19) to pick up items.
- Purchase of aprons – Motion to purchase 6 plain black aprons from Walmart for MNA events at $7.88/each. 2nd: Kaitlin. Unanimous approval. Isabel will make the purchase with a check provided by MNA. Discussion about using iron-on vinyl to add our logo. Discussion about pricing banners and other items for events. Terra offered to ask Sign Pro is they can quote a price for a banner, and if they will give a discount to a non-profit.
- Chalk your Walk – Discussion about using chalk to write #CommunityLove around Mills, including ways to promote our org through social media using the hashtag. Patrick brought up that you can now buy spray chalk paint, which you could pair with a stencil. Discussion about stencil ideas, with the resolution that Patrick, Terra, and Brian would work on designing a stencil that can be 3D printed at Brian’s facility. They agreed to have something ready to present by the next general meeting (in mid-July). Motion: budget of $50 for spray chalk paint. 2nd: Patrick. Unanimous approval.
- Mills Community Garden – Terra attended the last garden work evening, and gave some details about the site. They need more help cleaning up the location – would be more inviting to gardeners and children. Discussion of doing a mural contest for students/youth to add character to the garden and make it more eye-catching. Could probably get paint donated, along with prizes for contest participants. A project like this would be good leverage for securing a grant.
- Discussion about Sustainable Klamath (who maintains the garden) and their interest in purchasing the Twisted Charm building to relocate the tool library (162 E. Main St.). Lot has space for ADA accessible raised beds. Brainstorming about ways to connect the community garden with Mills Elementary. Several people were very interested in this idea and seemed supportive of working with Sustainable Klamath to achieve this goal.
- Discussion about planting vegetables in the IYS planter box. Folks were interested in seeing pumpkins, watermelons, potatoes, and zucchini. Too late for this year?
- Reimbursement for expenses at IYS Spruce Up – Motion to reimburse Isabel for the purchase of mulch and flowers used to “spruce up” the IYS building. 2nd: Patrick. Unanimous approval. Kaitlin will work with Isabel to total up the expenses and provide a reimbursement check.
- Public comment
- The next Mills Flea Market is planned for the 4th weekend in July (Sat. 7/25). Julia, who has attended a MNA meeting and who sold plants at the previous Flea Market, will be in charge.
- The Ross Ragland will be hosting drive-in movies at the Klamath County Fairgrounds over the summer. Stay tuned for details.
- Kaitlin and Patrick will finish laying mulch this Friday at 1:30pm.
- Brian is interested in being Treasurer for MNA, but would like more information about what the position entails. We provided some of the history of the organization, and Kaitlin will send him the current bylaws. Brian discussed his background in finance and some of the ideas he’s had for generating revenue for the org.
Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:30pm