Approved minutes
- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Rodriguez, VP Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: none
- General members present: Tabitha Rodriguez, Efren Gutierrez
- Guests: none
- Treasurer’s Report – Annual IRS form 990-N filed for 2020. Account balance: $1,601.71
- Approval of Minutes:
- March 16: notice of meeting cancelation, unanimous approval.
- April 6: amended, unanimous approval
- April 20: amended, unanimous approval
- May 4: amended, unanimous approval
- Old Business
- Cost of replacement flags – in progress
- Cost of booth at 3rd Thursday for July and August – discussion about options and cost. Patrick motioned to pay the $35 booth fee and for us to serve limeade. 2nd: Minea. Will do a practice run setting up the booth and pricing out supplies on June 10th at 4pm at 601 East Main parking lot. Need 4 people to run the booth. Event goes from 6 – 8:30pm. Plan to serve 16 oz. of limeade with ice for $2. Paper cups.
- Proposal to Klamath County Association of Realtors for beautification of East Main Street Corridor – Plan to get people together on June 12th (Saturday) to complete the work in the proposal sent to KCAR. They will cover $500 of the cost of the project. Will create letter to businesses on East Main letting them know what we plan to do and to encourage them to participate.
- New Business
- Donation received from private individual – Sherry McManus gave a check donation of $1,183.06 to MNA. We all signed a thank you card and intend to send her an official tax receipt. Thank you so much, Sherry!
- Reimbursement of $10 for Isabel – she purchased an antique metal canister as a thank you for Sherry’s donation. All board members approved of the reimbursement.
- Public Comment
- none
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:55pm