- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Taylor Hampton, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: none
- General members present: none
- Old Business
- Flag design contest vote – 2 entries:
#1: Maira #2: Isabel
- The consensus of the group was that we will have Maira’s design printed and installed. Congrats, Maira!
- In the future, we would like to have another set of banners. We would like to change them out to keep them looking nice and to keep things interesting.
- New Business
- Moore Park playground project support – did we get the correct size tile vouchers? Need to confirm. Otherwise, we have the vouchers in hand and ready for people to paint!
- Proposal to install another East Main Street Sign on Main – discussion about the current signage that directs traffic down East Main Street. We plan to write a proposal to the City to make them aware of the current issues with signage, and to offer our suggestions. We would like to see a sign on Crater Lake Parkway that directs traffic down Main St, and then to place another sign facing NE on Main St. that indicates where to turn. Options include Martin St. and Division St. Will inform the group of progress as we make it.
- Third Thursday – Brief discussion about our participation in Third Thursday this year, based on how it went last year. Consensus to just have a table with a raffle and kids activity. Will only have a table in July.
- Public Comment
- County tourism grant
- proposal for landscaping by Howdy Doody Tavern on South 6th St.
- deadline is Sept. 30
- need letters of support – connect with Discover Klamath and Klamath IDEA
- Taylor – community service projects
- some volunteers from Klamath Basin Youth Without Borders are ready
- IYS Park N Play is approved for 3 sites so far this year
- created mobile food pantry – no clear plans for the Nutrition Hub building
- Isabel – no green waste dump days with the County (commissioners indicate the fire damage to the Transfer station is the reason)
- Kaitlin – community compost site?
- What is the zoning on East Main?
- County tourism grant
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:44pm