- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: Vice President Patrick Sullivan (excused)
- General members present: none
- Approval of Minutes
- 2/15/22 board meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
- 3/01/22 general meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Minea, 2nd by Taylor)
- Treasurer’s Report – $2,771.43 in accounts. No new expenditures.
- Old Business
- City of Klamath Falls Grant Application – Kaitlin got in touch with the main contact for the grants. They shared that review of applications is planned to start in April, once the new city manager arrives. Funds would be available starting July 1 for next fiscal year.
- New Business
- County Tourism Grant – Isabel and Kaitlin attended the grant training class. It was mostly an info session and we learned the grant is more geared towards multi-day events (to earn more transient lodging tax). Events that we would like to have financial/grant support on would be Cinco de Mayo, another community market, street fair, etc. Taylor recommends looking at the scorecards from previous grant cycles. Next set of county grants will happen in September.
- Public Comment
- Beware of wandering dogs. Animal control will issue an anonymous warning if they have the address of the owner(s). Kaitlin says please license your dogs.
- Is there a need or desire for a composting facility in the city?
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:30pm