Approved Minutes
- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:10pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large member Minea Kiss; Absent: Patrick Sullivan (excused)
- General members present: Toby Rodriguez, Efren Gutierrez
- Guests: Dr. Glenn Gailis, Taylor Hampton (IYS), John Taylor (Steve’s Place), Ginnie Reed (Klamath Basin Senior Citizen Center), Ashley Chapman, Brandon Baker, Madison Chapman
- The meeting was streamed live via our Facebook page
- Introductions – with many guests present, we went around the room and all introduced ourselves
- Presentation – Ginnie Reed, Klamath Area on Aging – Jenny Reed, the new volunteer coordinator for Klamath Basin Senior Citizens, discussed the village model for community-based elder care. Volunteers visit older adults and folks with disabilities. Do various tasks like mow lawns, housecleaning, junk removal. Get info about who needs help through the meals on wheels program (also run by KBSC). Contact Klamath Area on Aging for help, especially if the person doesn’t answer the phone or doesn’t come to the door. “Active Seniors” insert in the Herald & News – upcoming training on discarding extra items. Intended for those who are “buried in treasurers”.
- Old Business
- Status of DEQ grant application – President Rodriguez – The application has been submitted, and DEQ indicated that we should hear a response from them by Dec 11.
- Free styrofoam pumpkins and Christmas wreaths – there are still many holiday decor items looking for a good home. First come, first served.
- New Business
- MNA support for property owner’s fence installation – Discussion by Joe about interest in building a security and privacy fence for his property on East Main street. Discussion about the process he has gone through with the City of Klamath Falls. Frustrated that the regulations and requirements are not clear. Vandalism problems, has applied for fence permit. While MNA as an organization cannot provide direct support to the applicant, several meeting attendees were interested in helping Joe with the process.
- Public Comment
- Taylor would like to stay updated on whether we receive our DEQ grant. Would like to provide small trash bags for picking up litter during the Park & Play program. If we receive the grant, Taylor will reach out to Darin Rutledge of the Downtown Association to help promote our work on East Main.
- A new set of fiber optic cables, including 5G, is being installed throughout the neighborhood. Several guests noted seeing utility line workers over the past week.
- Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 7:00pm