10/12/21 Annual meeting

Approved minutes

  1. Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: none
    • General members present: Taylor Hampton, Jonah Hakanson
  3. Financial Report – Treasurer Hakanson presented the list of transactions for the calendar year so far. Currently have $3,174.36 in our bank account, with some funds reserved for current projects.
  4. Old Business
    • Final vote on spending funds to help support the Moore Park Playground project – due to COVID-19 challenges, all present agreed it was appropriate to waive the quorum requirement for making this decision. Unanimous approval for us to proceed with making a financial donation to the project on behalf of the neighborhood.
  5. New Business
    • Move Annual Business Meeting to Third Tuesday in October (Motion: Patrick, 2nd: Minea). Unanimous approval by board and general members. Bylaws will be updated on the website to reflect the change.
    • Generic business cards – Request to get a set of Mills Neighborhood Association business cards for board members. Would not have individual member names on them. Estimated cost is $15. (Motion: Patrick, 2nd: Minea). Unanimous approval.
  6. Voting for new Officers
    • According to the MNA Bylaws, all board members serve 1 year terms, meaning they must be nominated each year to remain in office.
    • Nominations:
      • President: Isabel Rodriguez. No other nominations → unanimous approval by all present
      • Vice President: Patrick Sullivan. No other nominations → unanimous approval by all present
      • Secretary (and Treasurer): Kaitlin Hakanson. No other nominations → unanimous approval by all present
      • At-large Board Members:
        1. Taylor Hampton. No other nominations → Unanimous approval by all present
        2. Minea Kiss. No other nominations → Unanimous approval by all present
    • Remaining vacant positions: Treasurer, 3rd At-large board member
  7. Public Comment
    • Holiday decor and hanging wreaths. What do we want to hang up, and when? Will discuss it at the next meeting.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:16pm