Approved minutes
- Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:08pm
- Roll Call
- Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Vice President Patrick Sullivan, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: none
- General members present: none
- Approval of Minutes
- 12/21/21 board meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Minea, 2nd by Taylor)
- 01/04/22 general meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Patrick, 2nd by Minea)
- Treasurer’s Report – $3,009.71 in accounts. $0.01 in interest. No new expenses.
- Old Business
- Ceramic figurines – still working on linking up with Brian.
- Flag Design Contest – Kaitlin showed a draft of the contest flier to the group.
- Motion to add a $25 gift certificate for Gino’s as a prize for the best design. Motion: Patrick, 2nd: Minea. Unanimous approval.
- Taylor will share the flier via social media once it’s finalized.
- New Business
- Approval of payment for renewal of PO Box for one year – Kaitlin received a renewal notice from the Post Office for $134. Motion to approve the expenditure: Patrick, 2nd: Taylor. Unanimous approval.
- Earth Day – is April 22. Discussion about possible activities for an event like the previous year. Sustainable Klamath was a partner in this project.
- Give Back Day & Week – brainstorming
- seedlings
- OSU Extension Office
- Mountain Valley Gardens – let people know green waste disposal is $20 (Klamath County has not planned a green waste day for 2022).
- info about trees
- Public Comment
- IYS is still looking for a staff person for the buddy reading program
- Tina is the new outreach person for IYS
- Taylor just finished a Community Needs Assessment report covering the summer meal program and other programs operating out of the Nutrition Hub
Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:24pm