3/7/2023 General Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Isabel called the meeting to order at 6:06pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: At-large Member Taylor Hampton (excused).
    • General members present: none.
    • Guests: none.
  3. Old Business
    • Terra Russo is the new City Council representative for the Mills Neighborhood and North Hills Neighborhood – Congrats Terra!
    • Letter to Mills merchants – Isabel provided a draft letter for businesses on East Main St encouraging them to use the red metal planters provided by the City. We will discuss the letter at the next board meeting.
    • Letter to Architect – Isabel also provided a draft letter for Adkins Consulting Engineering to see if they would be willing to donate professional services to MNA to help us with our storage facility project.
  4. New Business
    • Health Fair this weekend at Sky Lakes – Sky Lakes Hospital puts on this event annually. You can get free cholesterol, blood pressure, and other tests done. There is also information to encourage healthy living.
    • Klamath Basin Home Show next weekend – An annual event at the Klamath County Fairgrounds. Info about contractor services, interior design, new building trends and technology, real estate, etc.
    • Ideas for contacting residents for outreach – Recently several organizations have contacted MNA about ways they can help residents of Mills Neighborhood. As a group we’re not 100% sure how best to connect individuals with these organizations, but are open to suggestions.
    • Survey for Mills Neighborhood – Kaitlin created several general survey questions about Mills Neighborhood. We are curious to know what people know about Mills Addition and what people think is missing from the neighborhood as far as businesses and services go. The survey would go out on the MNA facebook group and MNA website.
  5. Public Comment
    • A new restaurant is going into the old Sunrise Tavern building (137 E. Main St, next to Gino’s Cafe)
    • Let’s bring back the Mills Messenger Newsletter! You don’t have to be on facebook to read a paper newsletter which could get more people reading the info and getting involved.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by Isabel at 6:17pm

2/21/2023 Board Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:10pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: none.
    • General members present: none.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • 01/17/22 board meeting – amended, unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
    • 02/07/23 general meeting – amended, unanimous approval (Motion by Taylor, 2nd by Minea)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    • $4,234.68 in accounts. Expense: $176.00 for USPS PO box (01/29/23). Earned $0.02 interest on our Business Ownership account.
  5. Old Business
    • Flower Planting in Planters – Isabel is working on a letter to go out to merchants on East Main to encourage them to use the red metal planters in front of their businesses. Taylor will reach out to see if youth can plant flowers for them.
    • City Council Position – Tonight the current City Council members will be appointing one of the 4 applicants to the vacant Ward 3 position. 3 of the 4 applicants live in Mills Addition.
  6. New Business
    • 253 E. Main St. – The building next to Terra Veg has an interested buyer.
    • Air BnBs in town – Neighborhoods in town with lots of short-term rentals have seen an increase in noise and other issues. We are not aware of many Air BnBs or similar rentals in Mills Addition.
  7. Public Comment
    • East Main Market (now called Easy Market) has been redone inside. Minea hopes that they will repair or replace the soft serve ice cream machine.
    • Child Hunger Coalition – EBT fund pool is changing. COVID-19 extensions and other changes to EBT eligibility are being rolled back. This is the last month for additional EBT funds. This affects many residents, students, and those who work in Mills Addition.
      • Patti Case of OSU extension is retiring. Nikki Sampson from Klamath Lake Food Bank is retiring. These are critical public service roles in the community that will hopefully be filled quickly.
    • April 1 – IYS is hosting an event for children and youth at Mike’s Fieldhouse. Information about the event will be posted on the MNA facebook group.
    • March 4 – Sky Lakes Hospital Resource Fair

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:45pm

2/7/2023 General Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Isabel called the meeting to order at 6:05pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss. Absent: At-large Member Taylor Hampton (excused).
    • General members present: Tabita Rodriguez, Jonah Hakanson.
    • Guests: Clemencia Quimbayo, Bethany Holmes, Vanessa Brown.
  3. Guest Speaker Bethany from Safe Families for Children
    • non-profit, part of Hearts With a Mission. Religious organization that reaches out to socially-isolated families to assist with childcare / youth support. Volunteers offer relief to parents, or help with child supervision during emergencies. Try to prevent DHS-involvement. Have “adopted” Mills Addition.
  4. Old Business
    • Meet with City Schools re: graffiti – Isabel spoke with high schools over the phone. They were unaware of the graffiti problem. None of us have noticed any new graffiti recently.
    • Contact Engineering Firm – in progress.
    • Safety at Mills School Crosswalks – Long-time City Streets Department manager recently retired. New manager said they will install new signs and paint the crosswalks. They asked for 2 weeks to get the work done.
    • Meeting with City Finance – Isabel revisited the extra funds that have been generated by installing the new, more energy efficient street lights a few years ago. Current uses for these funds include tree trimming and sidewalk repair in Mills Addition. We will also ask if more lights can be installed on East Main St.
    • City Council Position – Ward 3 position is the representation for Mills Addition. Applications were accepted up until Feb. 6. Interviews will happen on Feb. 16, with the results announced at the next City Council meeting (Feb. 21).
    • KCC Cosmetology Program is accepting students – contact KCC for details.
  5. New Business
    • Encourage Businesses with planters to plant flowers – Isabel will talk to Keepers Corner and other businesses that requested that we move planters to their business. Good opportunity to also talk about the impact of adding more lighting outside your business, as well as the $500 security camera reimbursement that is offered by the city.
    • Housing for women at Red is the Road to Wellness – RRW is renovating the upper floor of their building.
  6. Public Comment
    • Grocery Outlet is now offering a senior (60+) discount on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Fred Meyer also has a senior discount and it is on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
    • 337 E. Main St. – old Pinky’s building that was recently purchased. New owner / developer says the property is a good challenge. They are looking for rental rooms for the crew working on the building.
    • 733 E. Main St. – One of the meeting guests confirmed through the City Police website that the property owner is in jail. We hope that the person who expressed an interest in purchasing the property is still interested. Also hope that those living there are able to be connected with social services.
    • Merit’s Home Center (in the Mills Neighborhood) accepts appliances with refrigerants for recycling. They charge a $75 fee. It’s not recommended that a person remove refrigerant without training or the right equipment (it is a pressurized gas), but Klamath Metals will accept appliances with the refrigerant compressor removed.
    • Enforcement of parking near stop signs. Part of the issue with poor visibility for drivers and dangerous crosswalks on East Main is the lack of enforcement for cars parked too close to intersections.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Isabel at 6:40pm

1/17/2023 Board Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Rodriguez called the meeting to order at 6:01pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Minea Kiss, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: none.
    • General members present: Jonah Hakanson
  3. Approval of Minutes
    • 11/15/22 board meeting – unanimous approval (Motion by Kaitlin, 2nd by Minea)
    • 01/03/23 general meeting – amended, unanimous approval (Motion by Kaitlin, 2nd by Minea)
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    • $4,410.66 in accounts. No new expenses. $0.04 interest earned on Business Ownership account balance.
  5. Old Business
    • Graffiti in Neighborhood – The City and property owners have removed or painted over graffiti on East Main.
    • Building owned by Pinky’s next to College of Cosmetology – sold to a developer from Beaverton.
    • Isabel speaking with City Police – MNA can assist the police with code enforcement and other issues by being the eyes and ears of the neighborhood. Keep communication going.
    • Adkins Engineering Consulting – will approach them to ask if will offer us pro bono or reduced rate to evaluate Richmond Park for a storage unit facility
  6. New Business
    • Renewal of P.O. Box Expense – Discussion about an increase in the cost of the P.O. Box. We agreed that this is a necessary expense. Kaitlin will take care of paying the annual fee of $176 using MNA funds.
    • Concerns, projects, ideas to present to City Council
      • graffiti wall – designated place for those who want to spray paint
      • wayfinding/signage in Mills Addition
      • trash for East Main St. – Jonah will research how downtown Klamath Falls has their trash service set up
      • crosswalks around Mills Elementary
      • City Council is still accepting applications for the vacant seats
  7. Public Comment
    • Someone is in the process of buying 733 E. Main
    • Building owned by Oliver Spires, at the corner of East Main and Main is being rented out
    • Where can you recycle an appliance with refrigerant? Kaitlin will try Klamath Metals.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Rodriguez at 6:54pm

1/3/2023 General Meeting


  1. Call to Order – President Isabel called the meeting to order at 6:15pm
  2. Roll Call
    • Board members present: President Isabel Rodriguez, Secretary/Treasurer Kaitlin Hakanson, At-large Member Taylor Hampton. Absent: At-large Member Minea Kiss (excused).
    • General members present: Jonah Hakanson.
  3. Old Business
    • 733 East Main Street – Isabel spoke with the chief of police about Mills Addition in general. They are aware of the issues at 733 E. Main and mentioned that was the only issue they could think of.
      • 337 E. Main, another neglected property in the neighborhood, is being listed for sale by Coldwell Banker tomorrow.
  4. New Business
    • Passing of founding member of Sustainable Klamath – Dwight Long passed away in December. Sarah, the current President of the organization, is moving out of town.
    • Increase of graffiti in the neighborhood – several of us have noticed more graffiti recently. Some graffiti had recently been painted over, but now there is more than before. Isabel brought this issue to the police chief when she spoke with him. They are aware of the issue. Discussion about contacting the resource officer at KU high school to see if they have an idea of who is doing the graffiti.
    • Moore Park Playground Equipment Project – The project has been fully funded, and it is expected to be opened summer 2023! Taylor and Kaitlin are going to get their MNA tiles painted for this project ASAP.
    • City Council Representation for Mills Neighborhood – Hedlund was appointed to a judgeship for the county, so there is currently a vacancy for that city council position. The city will appoint someone, and they will likely be another person that ran for that position.
  5. Public Comment
    • East Main Market sold today to someone from Medford.
    • Jonah – discussion about having a seat at the table with the city. City ward issues – Mills Addition is split between 2 city council wards.
      • having a set of issues to bring to the city – not all gripes, have solutions
    • Taylor – Klamath Basin Youth Without Borders has tabled paying for the banners and lighting for us until we can demonstrate youth involvement in the project. Will coordinate with the organization to plan the installation of the banners to when youth are available.
    • IYS building has city police cameras – video footage is available with proper requests if it is needed for law enforcement reasons
      • lights help and cameras help to deter property damage
      • businesses of East Main can apply for a $500 reimbursement for security cameras (the grant comes from the city, so the police maintain access to video footage).
    • Darin Rutledge is stepping down from the Klamath Falls Downtown Association and is now Executive Director of Discover Klamath
    • Isabel also discussed the idea of storage units at the former Richmond Park location with the chief of police. They liked the idea and didn’t have any concerns to share with us.
      • The police are working toward bringing back their Community Advisory Team. We hope to have an invitation to that group.

Adjourn – Meeting adjourned by President Isabel at 7:36pm.